With over two (2) decades of helping leaders (individuals) of industry, and industry leading organizations around the world with their growth, evolution, adoptions, or transformations, I have come to realize that the best way I can help…

…is to be able to provide knowledge, insight, tools, methods, guidance, coaching, and simply “LISTEN” (to you, your Teammates, and Organization) as we work together to determine what is needed for YOU as an individual or YOUR organization to achieve and sustain a “balanced” way of “dynamically” thinking and doing while generating revenue.

Keep It Simple (KIS), Three (3) areas in which I can help:

The diagram below illustrates three (3) teams, or buckets of help, I have created or helped to create, to provide individuals and their organizations what they need to succeed, evolve, or simply make their life better in today’s crazy tumultuous world.


Transact, Transform, Transcend, Becoming a Thoughtful Leader: Stories from the Journey


TYIIR (Transform Your Ideas Into Reality)

KIS (Keep Intuition Simple)

For over a decade and even today, individuals and organizations have failed, and continue to fail at a rate of +70 to 94% (depending your source) in their Agile, DevOps, DevSecOps adoptions and transformations, what I like to call thinking and doing “dynamically.”  

This is why I have received and continue to receive calls for “HELP!”

I hope that you reach out and look forward to the opportunity to have the conversation and be witness to your amazing journey as you take on your life’s challenges and succeed by being the best YOU you can be!

as I like to say,

“Let the Transformation Journey begin!”